Spirit of Springtime in Niagara [by 2chicks2go]

[From 2chicks2go]

We know that you’ve been cooped up indoors for a long, harsh winter… We know that the snow drifts have been taller than your car (or in some cases, your house.) We understand that your eyeballs have frozen solid in their sockets! We are here for you. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to warm the cockles of your heart and soul. We may not be able to offer you any soup for the soul, but we can give you a feast for your eyes:


We were freezing our socks off here, we took a day to visit the neighboring city of Buffalo. We included two things in our day trip – first we went to the Buffalo and Erie Botanical Gardens, which was displaying an orchid show that day…

SEE SOME GREAT PHOTOS AND READ THE REST OF THIS BLOG POST HERE: http://2chicks2go.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/spirit-of-springtime-in-niagara/

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