Complete Senior Care Pace Participants Give Back to the Niagara Community

Giving Back is for Everyone!

CSC Magdalene ProgectNiagara Falls own Complete Senior Care (CSC) PACE takes suggestions from their participants on how to make the Niagara County community a better place. As a result of a request from CSC participant Harry Dickenson, the Day Center spent the month of March raising money for the Magdalene Project through dress down days, ice cream socials and a basket raffle. Pictured above, from left, is: Joanne Lorenzo, founder/director of the Magdalene Project, CSC participant Harry Dickenson and CSC CEO John Kinner. Complete Senior Care raised $200 for the Magdalene Project. The Magdalene Project is a program of Lighthouse International Ministries, a non-profit ministry located in Niagara Falls, N.Y that reaches out to people in need of food, clothing, toiletries and love.

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