Everyday Gymnastics ~ was this a day merely of interruptions, or was there something more?

[By Sherrie Robins]

everyday gymnastics

My feet hit the ground running today. You might say it started out on a springboard.  I’m really not that kind of person. Ask anyone who knows me. But we were out of half and half. My son was supposed to remember to pick it up at the store he works in, but he didn’t. AND if there is anything I can’t stand it’s black coffee…or even coffee with no creamer. A great motivator to get out the door to buy some groceries in the morning…before coffee…before breakfast…before a shower…or even makeup!

*Bunny trail: No makeup. Allergies. Puffy face. Hope I don’t meet anyone I know!

But as I was about to grab my purse, an old friend messaged me in Facebook: “Do you have a moment? I’m having a bad day, can you say a prayer?” So a coffee-less, makeup-less prayer was sent out into cyber-space, through private messages.

I look around at my messy kitchen, wondering how to put the groceries away in this disarray of a day.

Arriving at the store, in my own blurry world, I became aware of a shopping ‘companion’. We encounter several near misses, this stranger and I, and I thought to myself that she seemed to be a bit dour. But I made a conscious choice not to pre-judge her. As we were leaving, I commented about something or other to her, and next thing we knew we were engrossed in a conversation. I am so glad I’d given her the benefit of the doubt. Glad not to have missed this opportunity to learn alessoninperspective

READ THE FULL BLOG HERE: https://lessonsinperspective.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/everyday-gymnastics/

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