Avery responds to “The King is mean” attitude in Niagara Falls

[Story has been archived]


  1. Anonymous says:

    Joe says it all. Big money still controls all that happpens here. “Help” does not come from one of them unless you’re already well healed. Right Craig? How much did the “good and sad and poor guys” that are politicians give you toward your Third Street property (properties?). How about that government largesse such as Brian Higgins in your building paying rent to you. Odd, we all have to do it the other way around and pay them money in the form of taxes (highest in the country). But, I guess when you’re sitting on a pile of it and you think that the money makes your opinion any more valuable than anyone else, to anyone viewing that’s a recipe for corruption and all the bad thngs that happen with regularity around Niagara Falls and the county.

    Get off the soap box Craig, it wobbling and you’re a part of the problem!

    • Craig E. Avery says:

      A brave anonymous commenter. Programs are available to assist anyone willing to take the risk or embrace an opportunity to put some of their own skin in the game. How bout you, mr. Anonymous? I’d be glad to show you some abandoned buildings if you are willing to put some time and money of your own into them. And just think, if you work at it, maybe you’ll have your own pile to sit on and your opinion will be so valuable you can even post your name next time. And please forgive me for finding a tenant for my building, I know that isn’t appropriate, perhaps I should ask them to leave and then I could cry about it. As a matter of fact, there is still 2200 square feet available to rent there, would you like to start a business and provide some jobs for our community? I pay for the snow plowing and provide common space for you to use in addition to the space you would rent.

    • Bill Carroll says:

      Anonymous & you write an opinion? What value do yo offer society other than wasting every one’s time. If you believe what you said then why not stand up & identify yourself?
      At least I would respect you rather then mock you.

  2. joe critelli says:

    i guess you think the politicians are doing a good job. i have mirors in my house and i happen to like what i see. if it is such a thankless job, why do they continue to run for re-election? maybe your softball editorial will bring them to your office, they sure will be handled with kid gloves.

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