Six additional houses approved for the Isaiah 61 Project

The Niagara Falls Planning Board approved the sale of six city owned vacant houses to the Isaiah 61 Project at today


  1. Joe, the isaiah 61 agreement has the following requirements: 1. must be rehabilitated in x months 2. must be sold to a homebuyer instead of rented. 3. Actual sale one house at a time. We are starting something new, and I expect us to expand the approach soon to the private sector. Keep in mind that Isaiah 61 is a nonprofit, but it pays taxes. We just want to make sure it works, and these first houses are the testing ground. Thanks for your input.

  2. joe critelli says:

    if $200,000 could be seen as saved why does’t the city make the same offer to private contractors?

  3. Norma Higgs says:

    Niagara Falls (A City In A Park) is rebuilding – one house at a time.

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