Hub friend and author Sandy Barton gives readers a break

[From the]

Sandy Barton: Stop and take a breather at one of life’s rest stops

“Next Rest Area 35 Miles.” I thought nothing of this sign on a recent trip to Ann Arbor, Mich., other than to ask if anyone needed to stop. Of course the mere suggestion of needing to stop was enough to gain consensus. The turn signal was engaged and we coasted into a parking space, emerged from the car, walking awkwardly until all of the joints began to move again, and made a beeline for the “necessary rooms,” the wall maps and, yes, the food oasis.

It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized how many of us are pulling off the road to take a breath. Unlike the brick and stone structures on the Thruway, the rest areas that seem to be utilized by everyone around me lately are significant breaking points between what was, and what is yet to be. I feel surrounded by extended pauses, tremendous exhaling of pent-up stress, and a lingering sense of waiting, preparing, catching a second wind, before heading out for round two, or three, or 23.


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