Veterans’ dream becomes a reality in the Falls


Joseph “Peppy” DiGregorio died on April 14, 1970, while serving his country as a member of the U.S. Army.

The 19-year-old Niagara Falls native was fighting in Vietnam at the time of his death. That was 43 years ago.

His sister, Flora Travis, and his mother, Domenica DeGregorio, think about him everyday. They’ll never forget the sacrifice he made.

“It’s been so many years, but it still hurts,” Travis said.

Today, members of the DeGregorio family have a place close to home where they can spend a little time reflecting on their loved one’s life and service. The black granite monument of the Niagara Falls Veterans Memorial in Hyde Park was designed to be an exact dimensional replica of the white marble Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, D.C. However, Niagara Falls erected its to memorialize and commemorate all of the city’s service members who have been killed in action since the Civil War. “Peppy’s” name is one of 463 inscribed on that main monument…


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