Creating Frankensteins [By Gerald Sterling aka Anona-mouse]

Quite a few years ago Frank Parlatto was very busy at trying to make a go of One Niagara, considering it was tottering on the edge of a big hole in the ground. He did quite well considering what means he had to feed the white elephant, the darling of the sultan’s choice.

For those of you who do not know what a white elephant is, we’ll start with Pink Elephants, the kind people see when they are knocked down drunk. It has nothing to do with Gay Rights.

The story of the white Elephant goes as so, or at least legend or fable has stated so. Long, long ago a sultan in India had a favorite white elephant, one he loved very dearly. To honour his most loyal and faithful servants who he loved so dearly, he would give them the honour to care for it by having it taken to their house where that honoured servant could care dutifully for it. Sometimes it happened though that the person of honour ran afoul with the sultan because he could not maintain proper upkeep of the Sultan’s darling animal, and therefore with all due respect to chastise the underling for their poor care for ( let’s call the elephant Ellie ) Ellie, finding her in a poor state, the sultan would chastise the ungrateful servant for his lack of dutiful and proper care.

So having had such a white elephant to care for, Parlatto found out that the Sultan became irate with him for not having due respect, even though Parlatto had kept Ellie in a better state than the previous caretakers, and in fact was becoming quite prosperous and on the road to success. When the last straw broke the camel’s back, Parlatto decided to go into the medical profession, so to say and after reading up on Frankenstien, he decided to create one of his own! Was he ever successful!!!!!

So, to make an interesting introduction viable, that is capable of working successfully to enter into a more full detailed analysis of present conditions at the inspections department, who are our present sultan of a sorts so to say. Even though a state judge ruled in favour of Parlatto against the city fathers decisive stand in which they seemed to go to extreme measures to thwart Parlatto’s enterprise, Frank had been prospering well but he eventually decided he wanted out. It was a defeat for free enterprise due to excessive unrelenting interference by city officials who had singled him out, and wanted him out. It is so sad, and it was very discouraging to watch what was happening throughout the years of his dedicated struggle to promote One Niagara as a local entrepreneur who has pride in the city of Niagara Falls.

Going on down the line, one by one the Sultan sulked because there were becoming fewer subjects to replace for Ellie’s care; man, she surely could eat! And of course what goes in must come out dealing with anatomy! Nevertheless for a time Parlatto disappeared and vanished from the political spectrum until one day out came a something called, “The Reporter.” Man did people spaz!!!!

There were some people who even used the new newspaper to roll up their crystal and dishes complaining about what he wrote. At least it was good enough for them to use in a beneficial manner, so when a person looks at the good and not the evil, well I do not want to create a paradox, because evil has its merits, and as Pope John Paul stated, “Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.” Let’s get back to Parlatto’s Frankenstien. Frankenstein was born that eventful day, and everyone was waiting and hoping it would turn around and eat Parlatto up, but to the contrary, it chumed up to him calling him Pa! We call Parlatto Pa-lotsa, because we think he’s got lotsa bucks to give away a free newspaper! That is generous of him, even though I would think twice about even thinking about buying the thing! BUT, I do admit that his Frankenstien proved to be the poorman’s friend, and to be honest, I think if Frankenstein sat down at a negotiating table to work out a deal with a rich guy, the rich guy would certainly want to get Frankie’s favour. But just like anyone else, we all have our faults, as I like to say, and I am going to quote myself, “We could even find fault in asphalt; and everyone has a crack in their ass!”

Now the gist of this article, which I have even not got to yet is based upon the Sultan’s wish to drop off Ellie at my house. Seeing I have had enough of former beasts of burdens, seeing I decided to follow in Pa Lotsa’s steps and try to accomplish something positive for the city. Joe Williams tried to, too. Poor guy, just when he dug the big hole some terrorists flew the planes into the Twin Towers and brought down the economy to where it suffers yet today. Anyone could see Joe could not go further with his project, and not only Joe, but millions of others had to curtail investment. America was badly hurt economically, and many people suffered greatly from the loss. I mentioned to Joe we could fill up the big hole with water and put the Loch ness Monster in it but I guess he did not like the idea, anyway, and by the way, it was super stupid to not have constructed underground parking at the site, unless they thought the Niagara River would fill it up with water. Don’t worry, Pa Lotsa’s gots his own problems looking for red herrings to dangle before Dyster, and of course his business is controversy, so that is exactly what this article will deal with. Oh yes, getting back to the subject. How do we create another Frankenstien, or do we really want another one? I think it is only fair to find Pa Lotsa’s creation a mate, and man, between the two of them they could create a SPECIES!

Just pitty the poor bastards that get in their way because one has to be evil, and the other good, that is considering it is not a Gemini. If it be Gemeni Twins, then both have to be evil and good, or one evil, one good one good one evil if they have split personality disorders, and if they are bipolar or skizzo, how many personalities are we going to have to put up with? Get ready for the Skitzo Times(TM). Oh, lets get back to the main gist, for the moment we have to speak in code right? I just noticed we ran out of time so we will have to continue with this report at a later date.

Please forgive me for my description of such a detailed roundabout story. I am sure if you tune in to the next follow-up it will begin to become clearer what our creation will look like to match Frankie’s Frankie.

Check out the movie Species. Better yet, check out the actress who played the part, but we have to get to the subject of this article to clarify issues which a lot of people in this city need to know about our present leading political leaders and public servant figures.

By the way, do you think it is fair to taxpayers to pay insurance premiums for morbidly obese city workers? Talk about the problems created by smoking, just think if they smoke and drink excessively too!

All right, the problem: Anona-mouse went up to Ellie and what do you think she did? You have all heard the story about the mouse scaring an elephant! Perhaps you have heard the story about the “Mouse that roared.” Well, should the city fathers play fairly, which is quite hard for them to do, seeing they have a slight elevation in social status, but act rather like upper crust: one would realize that crust is defined as a solidified

[by Gerald Sterling aka Anona-mouse]

Permission given to Niagara Hub to publish this in their opinion column. Reproduction for profit in any other form or manner is not granted. Sterling Publications © 21031116

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  1. Cranberry Mars says:

    It’s such a shame that you wrote this article. You managed to offend even me, one of the last few people in this city that wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt as an eccentric colorful character.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dear Cranberry,

      Please do not take offence at this article.

      We should not have to be forced to protect out rights and liberties by exercising bizarre behavior to draw attention to expose those who are using their positions to promote their own personal agendas.

      Such rights and liberties are guaranteed by the government we are subject to.

      It is a shame though when elected and appointed citizens of our city use their influence to thwart potential projects that would benefit the city’s historic nature, and to prosecute a person maliciously for exposing cronyism and corruption in City Hall.

      As for the article, I am sorry for that I offended you.

      Thank you for your kind admonition.

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