The Soapbox with guest Councilman Andy Touma

Andy Touma

Councilman Andy Touma stopped by the Hub today for a Soapbox chat and to give us an update on current events and his perspective as Council Chairman.

Watch video here:


  1. GREAT STUFF!!!! Lot I was proud to and glad to hear. However the simple truths are always the easiest to act on. “If 8 Million” visitors go to Niagara Falls State Park a year but only 800K visit Ft. Niagara (10%) and only 400k visit Whirlpool (5%) it begs the question… “why would 7.6 million people travel hundreds and even thousands of miles to see a wonder and not travel another 2 miles to see another one? Major impediments are knowledge and transportation, so YES BETTER MARKETING and YES EXPAND TROLLEY SERVICE. You will increase bed nights the year you do it SO DO IT THIS YEAR!!!

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