Former Niagara Falls City Court Judge Receives Endorsement from Niagara County Conservative Party

[Press Release]

The Niagara County Conservative Party chairman Daniel Weiss endorsed former Niagara Falls City Court Judge, Angelo J. Morinello’s bid for the New York State Assembly race in the 145th district.

Morinello, R-Niagara Falls, was the only candidate in which the Conservative Party considered for endorsement due to the long-standing working relationship between the two since Morinello was first elected to the bench in 2002.

“We were thrilled to continue our support of Angelo once again after endorsing him in 2002 and again in 2012 for his seat on the bench.” Weiss said. “We can’t think of a more honest, humble and hardworking man to represent the 145th Assembly district in Albany, and are extremely excited to be behind him. “

Judge Morinello served on the Niagara Falls City Court bench from 2001 until December 31, 2015 when he was forced into mandatory retirement. “

“The people expected me to serve them for 10 years however due to the rules of the state I was only allowed to serve three of the years due to age restrictions. I feel that I owe the people seven years of service,” said Morinello. “I still have a lot left in me.”



  1. Never mind this guy. ^^^^ He apparently has an issue with Jerry Williams and has never actually met, or dealt with Mr. Morinello.

    Angelo is a class guy, highly ethical, great sense of humor and loved by the masses. Truth be told, I can tell you first hand that people on both sides of the aisle and independents alike understand that Angelo J Morinello really cares about you and the area he wants to continue to serve.

    Parties aside, Angelo is one of those candidates you vote for because you know he’ll do a good job representing us at the State level. Although we’re months away I highly recommend this proven public servant and hope you will too. Especially those that can vote!

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