Falls to go dark for Earth Hour this Saturday

Those who head to the Falls expecting to see beautiful colors on Saturday night could wind up disappointed.

The Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) in partnership with the Niagara Falls Illumination Board is pleased to once again announce its participation in the World Wildlife Fund

Officials hoping to weather storm as AES transfer looms

Local leaders who have long bet on coal are preparing to double-down on the natural resource, hoping that drying up rainy-day funds will get them through a tough patch in the industry that’s pushed the county’s largest taxpayer to the brink of extinction.

Many have been preparing for the next step on the AES Somerset plant upon hearing that the company was filing for bankruptcy.

Members from the Town of Somerset, the Barker School District and Niagara County will all meet with members of the county’s IDA on Wednesday to discuss plans for the plant.

This isn’t a new scenario, as the groups have been through multiple negotiations before, but this one presents a different twist.

The bondholders who are expected to assume control of the plant next week have yet to close on the plant and they need a new PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) agreement to do so.

Town of Somerset Supervisor Dan Engert said he was part of a group that met with the plant’s leadership last week and no qualified bidders have come forward to buy the plant.

Engert admits there are no factions looking to squeeze money out of the plant now, as many just hope it can survive.

“There was a side before that would say, they’re making all kinds of money, and there’d be a discussion about the value. But that’s not been part of our discussion at this point,” he said. “The school, the town, the county all recognize that this is a worst case scenario.”

According to officials, the purchase agreement will be acted on by the court later this week.

Next week is when the group needs to have an agreement on what the value of the plant is. Engert said that means plenty of nervous waiting.

Officials for AES have said this is part of a cycle that’s keeping the coal industry down, but they don’t expect it to last more than a few years.

“We’re going to approach this from the perspective that we’re going to give everything we can for two years,” Engert said. “We’re going to tighten, tighten, tighten for two years, and use reserves that were taken in for this very reason. And we’re going to try to weather it.

“Hopefully, on the end of that two-year cycle, an energy company will purchase the plant and the value goes up.”

AES is the county’s largest taxpayer,

County’s Job Fair to be held in Falls on Wednesday

Out of work? Looking to move up?

Job seekers will descend upon the Cataract City today as Niagara County

State official: Forget ‘brain drain,’ work on retaining retirees

Ransomville's Eileen Heinze, center, listens as State Office for the Aging Director Greg Olsen gives a presentation in Niagara County on Tuesday.

The state

Blotter: Woman at NCCC gets car keyed after parking issue

A Niagara County Community College student who beat another person to a parking spot in the college’s lot came back to find her car had been keyed on Monday afternoon.

The Tonawanda woman told Niagara County Sheriff’s deputies that she got a parking spot a few seconds before a newer Chevrolet Impala, but said there was no confrontation and she simply walked into school.

When she left school a couple hours later, she found a note on her vehicle that stated, “I hope it was worth it.”

That’s when the woman said she found a key mark on the driver’s side from front to back. Damage on the gash was estimated at $500.

Patrol also spoke to a person with NCCC security, who said the lot was not being recorded by video at the time of the incident.

A report has been put on file.

Soapbox with Craig Avery (March 27, 2012): Deanna Alterio Brennen, Kory Schuler, Niagara USA chamber

We’re continuing a week of conversations on the organizations that promote our area and we pick up the conversation with

The Echo Club’s first event: Tony ‘n Tina’s Wedding

Actors Anonymous Theatre Co. presents Tony ‘n Tina’s Wedding

Saturday, March 31st – 7:30pm


City Easter-Egg Hunt Saturday March 30

The legendary Easter Bunny will make a seasonal appearance at the Niagara Falls Hyde Park golf course clubhouse on Saturday March 30, 2011 at 9:30am to begin the 13th Annual Niagara Falls Easter-Egg Hunt.
This FREE family event is open to children from age 2 to 12. Registration forms are available at the Niagara Falls Parks Office at 1785 New Road, weekdays 8am-3:30pm.

To Tweet or not to Tweet… Twitter 101

Twitter is an information network (utilizing your computer or smartphone) made up of 140-character messages called Tweets.

Get to know Facebook Timeline… you have no choice

There is no avoiding it anymore… the Facebook look that you are used to and have probably grown accustomed to will be changing.