Video: LaSalle’s Griffon Park to get new kayak/canoe launch

With a group in kayaks and canoes behind on him a perfect spring day, Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster announced a new launch on Wednesday at Griffon Park in the LaSalle neighborhood.

Dyster explained during the press conference that the city got a grant of $85,000 from the county, and that will allow the area to be fully accessible for those with special needs. The mayor added that this will give those who suffer injuries in overseas wars another recreational option.

One local resident, Cal Babcock, said he’s glad to see some company out on the water that surrounds Cayuga Island.

“I’ve been using it for canoes for a while, but it’s been pretty lonely because of the powerboats that have taken preference,” Babcock said. “Now we see things shifting so that there is a greater desire for the paddling and the exercise of it that’s beneficial. And there’s a nice stretch of wildlife as you move along quietly. There’s lots of enjoyment.”

The city will start to clear the area, and add some informational kiosks when constrcution starts on the project this summer.