An American icon disgraced in Niagara Falls (Warning: This post contains graphic images)

It can be said that some residents of Niagara Falls have sadly become accustomed to seeing spray painted insignias, messages, gang signs or other “artistic” messages of brainless graffiti throughout our beloved city, so much so that it now tends to go unnoticed.


  1. Robert Brawn says:

    ATTENTION!!!! The Fonz has been rescued and is doing well. We will begin transformative mustache removal and corrective measures to restore integrity to this icon. This will require a significant investment in time and ink, and maybe some smooches from pinky tuscadero. Look for his return to a bench near you. Thank you from the hard working crew at Custom Bench.

  2. Craig E. Avery says:

    Could this have been yet another negative response and protest to an offensive video?

  3. christine case says:

    disgraqceful-the Fonz would Never have chosen the handlebar mustache…possibly (but not likely) a soul patch but definitely would have been a biker ‘stache The Fonz was the definition of ‘cool’…and in this day and age would have opted for laser surgery!

  4. Joel Holka says:
